
Congratulations you have been invited for an interview for a job or course.

For many interviews it is likely you will be asked questions around:

  • Why you have applied to the organisation or institution.
  • Why you are interested in the role or course.
  • Assessing if you have the skills and attributes to do the job or complete the course.

How to prepare

Learn how to answer interview questions

Practise your interview skills

Spaces and backgrounds for video interviews and assessment centres

Most students attend online interviews or assessment centres from their room. If you cannot use your room for any reason you may be able to use a room on campus. There are several options available, however we recommend you ask, or if posible check in person that the room is sufficiently private for your needs.

  • Around 60 small central teaching rooms are available across campus can be booked using Resource Booker.
  • There is a room in the Library which can be booked for online interviews and assessment centres.
  • You can also ask in your School if a room is available there to book, or if staff can book a room for you on campus.

Employers will understand if you attend your online interview in your bedroom. University branded Zoom backgrounds are available to download if you want to hide your location.

What next after interview?