Careers support in your final year

Final year support

Your final year of university is an exciting time, with lots of possibilities open to you after graduation. However, between your academic work, extracurricular activities and job hunting, it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at times. The Careers Service recognises that your time at university may have been challenging, and that you may need extra support as you plan your next steps after your degree. So if you are finishing your undergraduate degree, Master's or PhD, your final year is a busy and exciting time for your career, with lots of new possibilities open to you after you graduate.

Whether you’re applying for graduate jobs, considering postgraduate study or just aren’t sure what to do, the Careers Service is here to help.

Essential actions for final year undergraduates

The essential actions pages act as a starting point for your final year. Job and postgraduate opportunities vary throughout the year. Each section has key events and actions you can take in that period to help you boost your career, build your skills and find graduate opportunities. While they are based around the undergraduate calendar, the advice is relevant to all. Learn more about when to apply, how to and the advice available for you by clicking through the essential actions down below.

  • Essential actions: Summer-November Many popular jobs, graduate training schemes and postgraduate courses recruit now for opportunities starting after you graduate. However, it's not all over by November.
  • Essential actions: December-May December/January is peak time for PhD applications, and many jobs are still being advertised, often right up to your final exams.
  • Essential actions: June and beyond Not sorted yet? Find out how to plan your next steps, boost your skills and expand your network over the summer and beyond.

FAQs: But what if ...

Find the answers to some common career questions in our final year FAQs.