Caitlyn Hawley
Name: Caitlyn Hawley
Course: LLB Law
Year of Study: 2
Graduation Year: 2026
What work experience did you do?
I completed a weeklong Winter Law School with The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) in Turkey on energy and sustainability law.
What was it that inspired you to look for work experience?
I was inspired to attend this law school because I am a member of ELSA UK, and I completed a winter law school in Austria last year. I had such a fulfilling experience last time, as I was able to connect with students and legal professionals from across Europe; this inspired me to apply to another international law school.
Why did you choose to do work experience in this area?
I am currently in the second year of my law degree, and I am in the process of applying to international commercial law firms. I knew this experience would broaden my horizons in relation to a specialised area of law, and that it would give me the chance to network with other aspiring lawyers across Europe.
Give a brief snapshot of your role (if you could give a brief overview in three bullet points):
- I attended guest lectures about energy and sustainability law in practice.
- We completed case study exercises on this topic in groups.
- We took part in various networking sessions with students and legal professionals.
How did the Bursary award support you in gaining experience?
The bursary award contributed to the travel costs I incurred for the flights to Turkey.
What were the most enjoyable aspects of your role?
I enjoyed learning about the practicalities of energy and sustainability law in practice from real industry professionals. It offered a great insight into the specialised area of law in an international context.
What were the challenges?
A challenge during this experience was being able to communicate with other students during teamwork exercises. This could prove to be challenging sometimes as there were students from all across Europe, who are fluent in different languages, trying to communicate in English. I was able to offer clarity and explanations when necessary, so I felt valuable in group situations.
Did you have any worries or concerns before your work experience and if so how were they dealt with and overcome?
It is always nerve racking when you do not know who the fellow participants will be, however, I was excited to meet lots of new people and went into the programme with curiosity; I had a very positive experience meeting everybody.
What specific or transferable skills did you develop through the work experience?
- Communication
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Networking with legal professionals
- Improving my legal knowledge in a specialised area
Did the work experience give you any insights and have these influenced your career pathway?
This experience inspired me to learn more about ESG compliance and potentially work in or alongside specialised ESG teams in a commercial law firm.
Do you have any words of wisdom for future students looking to gain work experience?
I would suggest that students try to gain as much experience inside their desired industry as possible, and to focus on areas of genuine interest. You can learn so much about a field or topic when you are passionate about something.