Josiah Edebiri
Name: Josiah Edebiri
Course: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Year of Study: 4
Graduation Year: 2023
What work experience did you do?
I worked at Rolls-Royce for the summer.
What was it that inspired you to look for work experience?
Gain experience to support my application for a graduate role when I finish university
Why did you choose to do work experience in this area?
Because I am interested in defense and airplanes.
Give a brief snapshot of your role:
I worked in the future programs section of Rolls-Royce Defense. I was tasked with modelling a test platform for technology being developed.
How did the bursary award support you in gaining experience?
The bursary paid for my accommodation and meant I was not stressed about finances and could focus on the work I was carrying out.
What were the most enjoyable aspects of your role?
Working with world renown power electronics engineers.
What were the challenges?
Producing work to industry level standard.
Did you have any worries or concerns before your work experience and if so how were they dealt with and overcome?
If I would be able to cope within an industry environment. I shared my concerns with people in my team and they gave me advice and support.
What specific or transferable skills did you develop through the work experience?
Time Management, communication skills and problem solving
Did the work experience give you any insights and have these influenced your career pathway?
Yes, it helped me understand what type of graduate scheme I do and don’t want to complete
Do you have any words of wisdom for future students looking to gain work experience?
Go for it! You can only get the jobs you apply for so go for the most prestigious challenging roles you can find.