I am currently in my final year and will graduate in 2025 from The University of Manchester, when can I apply?
If you are an undergraduate, you can apply to our roles right now! You can join the MGT 2025 Newsletter to keep up to date with all our positions.
If you are a postgraduate student finishing your studies in September, you might only be able to apply to roles that start after September. We recommend you start applying around July/August. Our roles are advertised throughout the year, so there will be plenty of roles available for you from September onwards! You can find more information about eligibility for MGT roles on our website.
I graduated from The University of Manchester in 2024, can I apply?
You can still apply for an MGT 2025 role, as long as you haven’t already undertaken an MGT internship with us. Any graduate of The University of Manchester can access most of The Careers Service free of charge for up to two years after graduation.
What does the application look like?
Your application should consist of a 2 page CV and a 1 page Cover Letter.
How many MGT roles can I apply to?
You can apply to as many MGT roles as you want. However, please note that if you are offered an MGT role and you are successfully placed in that role, you will be automatically withdrawn from your other applications. You can only undertake one MGT position.
Is it better to submit early?
No, all applications are sent onto the hiring panel after the closing date and the time/date the application was submitted is not sent to the hiring panel. Just make sure to submit before the deadline!
Will it cost me anything?
There are no costs involved in applying for an MGT position.
Who will select me?
Your application will be submitted to the MGT team for an initial screening before being sent to the employer for their final selection.
How many applications do you receive?
The amount of applications we receive does vary according to the position. Roles within the University itself are always most popular.
All jobs are competitive however, so to stand the best chance of being invited for interview you should submit a good quality application. The how to apply section has application guides and example covering letters which demonstrate the standard required. You can also use CareerSet, our new online CV checking tool, to ensure your CV is the best it possibly can be. If you wish to access application support via the MGT team, be sure to submit your application well ahead of the deadline.
What happens to my personal information when I apply?
When you apply for a job via MGT, your application is forwarded to the recruiting organisation for consideration. When your application is shared with the recruiting organisation, the recruiter will then be responsible for your data. Your application information is also retained by the Careers Service for a period of 12 months, after which it will be destroyed. We do not, and will not, disclose your information to any other third party. If you have any queries about this process please contact the MGT team via mgt@manchester.ac.uk.
Is MGT a Graduate Scheme?
MGT is not a graduate scheme. MGT jobs are separate and individual job opportunities. Each recruiting manager is responsible for setting the objectives and guiding the development of their intern/graduate. This is not the responsibility of the MGT team.
What happens if I accept an MGT job offer?
Once you’ve verbally accepted a job offer, the MGT team will automatically withdraw your application from all other MGT roles you have applied for. You will therefore not be able to attend any more interviews or submit further applications.
Can I undertake more than one MGT role?
You are only able to take on one MGT position. If you decide to leave your post early or complete a shorter contract that finishes when the 2023 scheme is still open, you won’t be able to apply for another MGT position.
Who employs me if I successfully secure a job through MGT?
You will be employed by the recruiting company or organisation. They should provide you with a contract detailing the exact terms and length of your employment.
What happens if I’m not happy in my job?
Please ensure that you consult a member of the MGT team as soon as possible. We are always available to provide support, advice and guidance, and to help you work through potential solutions.
As my contract nears its end I’ll need to start looking for another position. What should I do?
We hope that you will continue to fulfil your duties right until the end of the contract. However, we also appreciate the security of continued employment. If you secure a permanent role towards the end of your MGT position you must give your internship employer adequate notice of your resignation. Please check your employment contract for the appropriate notice period and ensure that you verbally inform your line manager as soon as possible. Additionally, please make sure you notify a member of the MGT team.
If I successfully complete my MGT role, will my contract be extended or made permanent?
By the time you near the end of your contract your manager should have given you an indication as to whether it may be extended or made permanent – although there is no obligation for your employer to do either. All MGT roles are advertised with a specific length and details are provided if there is potential for the job to be made longer or permanent. There is no guarantee that this will happen, as it depends very much on the business and economic conditions at that time.