Religion and belief
Under the Equality Act 2010 it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against you because of your religion or belief system. The law protects not only those who adhere to a recognised religion but also those who hold philosophical opinions including, agnosticism, atheism, humanism, paficism and veganism.
- Equality and Diversity - Religion Information from TARGET Jobs. Advice on gauging how culturally aware and religiously inclusive an employer may be.
- Religion & Belief - what the Equality Act means for you Learn more about the Equality Act and the rights it gives you around religion and belief.
Finding employers committed to religious diversity
Employer websites can often be a good way of finding out about diversity amongst the workforce and how committed they are to recruiting people from different faiths. Most employers will have an equality statement or section on equality and diversity on their site. Employer websites can also be a great way to gauge how ethically the organisation is run.