Interviews and selection for medical school

All UK medical schools use interviews to decide who to admit onto their programmes. The interview will usually be either a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) or a traditional panel interview. Each institution will advise you of their process when you are invited for interview.

Multiple Mini Interview (MMI)

MMIs involve a set number of ‘stations’ with typically 1-3 interviewers at each station. Each station will be interested in different elements of your knowledge and experience. You are usually given 2-3 minutes preparation time, then 7-8 minutes of ‘mini-interview’. The exact details and timings are explained at interview.

Traditional Panel Interviews

You will be interviewed by a group of people and asked a range of questions that each medical school will prioritise differently.

Preparing for your Medical degree interview

Prepare for your medical school interview in the same way that you would prepare for a job interview. Start with our tips on preparing for Interviews.

Suggestions to help prepare for your medical school interview:

  1. Re-read your personal statement: make sure you can recall what you included in your UCAS statement and be prepared to talk in more detail about anything you have written.
  2. Look at the medical school details: go online and check out how the programme is taught, when clinical practice is brought into the programme, any features of the course that appeal to you. Also make sure you understand what the institution has to offer and can explain why that appeals to you. For example: If it is a campus institution – why does that appeal to you? What advantages will it offer to you personally?
  3. Remind yourself of the NHS values: many medical schools will use them as part of their recruitment processes. Make sure you are aware of them and can talk about times when you’ve shown these values in action.
  4. General Medical Council: Outcomes for Graduates: Get an in-depth view of what you will learn during medical school (and therefore what they will be selecting for).
  5. Practice out loud. Whether you record yourself and play-back on a mobile device; enlist friends / family; or book an interview simulation - practice your interview responses out loud as it can make a real difference!